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Team Members

The team_members custom function grabs data from a Google spreadsheet (teams) and dynamically builds a list of all team members, ordered by last name, first name. Each team member is displayed in a separate flex box with name and title. Hovering over team member displays the members profile, if provided. Clicking on the team member displays the details in a modal box. It uses the spreadsheet information to get the associated team member information.

Cook book

  • Edit the page
  • Click a “+” sign where you want to insert
  • Select “Code”
  • Paste the following code block
  • Adust parameters as needed

Code block for team members

$( document ).ready(function() {
    // SelectorID
<div id="teamContainer"></div>






Parameter Description
Selector Required.
jQuery selector identification where the resulting html code will be generated.

Return Value:


Google Spreadsheet:

Detail Description
File Name Team Members
Folder UIL_Web_Site_Docs
Link Google Calendar Spreadsheet
ID 1hiPd3cJMf_JOr3Z4RnR3XA6-Z927OSJhxJJgYXix448
Sheet Name Members

Spreadsheet Fields

Column Label Description
A First Name Team member first name
B Last Name Team member last name
C Organization Organization code, aahom, leslie, etc. This is currently not used.
D Unused Extra field not used
E Title Position or responsibility in organization
F Hide If = Yes, Hide the team member from display.
G Image URL Full URL to the team member image
G Bio Excerpt Team members bio

Example Screenshot

Alt Team Members

Team member detail

Alt Team Member Detail