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Used to provide an image slideshow as the page header image. If gallery captions are set on then captions and links are displayed in a black bar at bottom of image.

This function highly depends on specific SquareSpace selector names and could possible fail later with future SquareSpace changes.

How it works

  • Finds the first section on the page that has “div.section-background”
  • Finds the first section on the page that has “”
  • If no gallery found then abort.
  • Disables the section-background image by changing css display to none.
  • if not editing the page, disable the gallery section by changing css display to none.
  • Create a set of div’s (mySlides) where each is a separate slide and image to replace the header.
  • Call a function “galleryCarousel” to rotate through the set of slides with, currently, 8 second wait time.
  • When it gets to the last slide it will start over at the first.

Cook book to create a page header slideshow This cookbook assumes you are starting a new page. If not then adapt the instructions accordingly.

  • Create a new page
  • Click Edit
  • Create top section with image block
  • Create a gallery section directly after top image block section
  • Create another section after gallery to hold your page content
  • Save the changes
  • Add call to function in Advanced code injection for page
  • Click the wheel for the page
  • Select Advanced
  • Paste the following code block

Code block for page header slideshow

$( document ).ready(function() {




No parameters

Return Value:
